Transmission of Hepatitis - Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver disease is one of the health problems that occur in the developing countries of the world. Lack of public awareness of personal hygiene and the environment will be the cause of the disease is spread by bacteria and viruses.
There are several types of hepatitis, here's the types of hepatitis and infection.
1. Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus (VHA), which includes an RNA virus Picornaviridae. This virus is resistant to acidic, thermostable and resistant to bile. Transmission usually occurs by the fecal-oral (enter the digestive tract through food and drink contaminated feces VHA patients).
2. Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a DNA virus. The virus can also infect humans than chimpanzees infected. HBV can be found in body fluids (blood, saliva, semen and vaginal fluids), but not all have high levels of infectious virus. In general, can occur horizontally or vertically (like perinatal transmission during maternal newborn child).
3. Hepatitis C: Hepatitis C is a cause of disease, including families that VHC Flaviviridea genus Hepacivirus and an RNA virus. Has 6 genotypes and more than 50 subtypes. Parenteral transmission through such joint use personal devices sufferers (toothbrushes, razors) are also non-sterile needles.
4. Hepatitis D: Hepatitis D virus is an RNA virus with a defect, meaning the virus is not able to perfectly replicate without the help of another virus, the virus of hepatitis B. Follows the journey of transmission of hepatitis B (parenteral), meaning that if the virus suffered acute hepatitis B recover, then the VHD will also be lost.
5. Hepatitis E: Hepatitis E is caused by the hepatitis E virus, an RNA virus berberntuk spherical. This virus was originally referred to as the cause of enterically transmitted non-A non-B hepatitis (ET-NANB). VHE is transmitted through the fecal-oral. Feces contaminated drinking water is the most common transmission media.
Among the types of this virus potentially Extraordinary Events are viral hepatitis A and E are caused by food poisoning.