Hamstring injury to haunt those who do run fast. Hamstring injury often experienced runners and football players, what to do when someone suffering a hamstring injury? "The first complaint experienced by athletes during a hamstring injury is a sudden sharp pain in the back of the thigh,".
Usually the pain is so sharp, the athlete immediately halting his run and jump around in pain by focusing on a healthy foot. Some time after that may be accompanied by swelling and bruising.
To deal with a person who suffered a hamstring injury can be done with 6 Crimes abbreviated manner following:
1. Compression: Perform splinting using elastic bandage
2. Rest: Mengistirahatan leg injury
3. Ice: Giving a cold compress / ice
4. Medication: Anti-inflammatory drug delivery
5. Elevation: Elevating the injured foot position on body (lying posture)
6. Support: Using a walker, such as crutches (crutches).
"Hamstring injury is an injury that occurred in a group of muscles located in the back of the thigh, the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris. Functions of these muscles is to bend the knee (knee flexion) and straightening the hip joint (hip extension)".
The injury occurred because the muscles experienced workload exceeds capacity (overload) or because of the burden of responding suddenly. , These injuries often occur in people who are charged with a sprint (sprint), as in the sport of football, basketball, running and racing.
Someone at risk of a hamstring injury if not done before the match that his hamstring conditioning tense (tight) or there is an imbalance between muscles (imbalance). Hamstring injuries are also susceptible to experiencing muscle fatigue (fatigue).
This type of injury can be a hamstring strain / pull (strain), rips, until deprived of muscle attachments on the bone (avulsion injury). Severe hamstring injury a tear in total (total rupture) or avulsion injury causes loss of muscle function athlete who suffered a hamstring injury.
"What's hamstring injury is the most common place in the middle of a meeting between the muscles and the muscles and tendons,".
Examination and Handling Pricing
X-ray examination will be useful in case of an avulsion injury, in which the bone fragments would seem that torn tendon together. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is very good to see what kind of a hamstring injury and determine the degree of severity.
"Treatment depends on the severity of the hamstring. Non-surgical cases performed at strain / pull (strain),"Surgery is performed in cases of laceration total (total rupture) to reconnect the torn muscle injury and avulsion to reattach the torn fragments of bone with tendons. While the hamstring injury recovery period varies. For injuries caused by strain / pull will take approximately 3 weeks. As for the more severe cases of avulsion injury takes 3-6 months depending on the location.