Every woman would have the name whiteness. Vaginal discharge is caused by fungal or yeast infection of the vulva or miss V. Although normal, but whitish often make women uncomfortable. DetikHealth quoted, in healthy individuals, these bacteria are friendly and good immune system can prevent infection. However, if the immune system is damaged or is weak then it will be easier for the fungus Candida to grow and cause disease. As quoted from The Body,
following an easy way to cope with whitish:
1. Avoid the use of cleaning fluids Miss V. This fluid can change the acidity of the vagina normal
2. Avoid use of tight underwear or pants because it can block the flow of air, you should use cotton clothing.
3. Rinsing the vagina from front to back to avoid the entry of germs from the anus.
4. Get used to dry the outside of the vagina by using a clean tissue or cloth towel after urinating or large.
5. Avoid the use of scented pantyliners or continually every day, because it can cause irritation.
6. Reduce the consumption of sugar and alcohol, as it can help
development of the fungus Candida.
7. Eat garlic, because it is believed to contain natural anti-fungal.
8. Consume milk or yogurt because it contains acidophilus bacteria that help keep the bacteria remain balanced.
thus increasing the risk of infection and cause inflammation.